I had to catch my train in a couple hours, but not before enjoying another meal! Le Champ de Mars is located less than a mile from the Eiffel Tower and has been run by the same family for over 20 years.

The basic bistro had cozy decor and a large terrace. I took a seat at one of the outdoor tables and looked over the menu.

Outdoor Seating
I ordered a glass of white wine and asked the waiter to recommend something. I wasn’t in the mood for anything in particular.

He suggested the salmon or the steak. I opted for the steak. I should have gone with the salmon because it turned out to be a Salisbury steak. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I’ve already had similar meat dishes in Belgium and wanted something different. Oh well.

Salisbury Steak
The ground beef patty was topped with a mushroom sauce and served with a small salad and fries. Eh, it was okay. It would have been so much better if it was an actual steak. The fries with the sauce were pretty good though.
I had one more glass of wine and had to catch that train. I hopped into a taxi and headed t0 the Gard du Nord. This is the station for trains to Northern France and to international destinations in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Gard du Nord
I made it to the station with a few minutes to spare before boarding. I’m glad I decided to see Paris, even if it was only for the day. I would love to return to this beautiful city for much longer next time. Au revoir, Paris!
Le Champ de Mars
45 Avenue de la Bourdonnais
75007 Paris, France
+33 1 47 05 43 02