
After a quick stopover in Lisbon and a few days in both Berlin and Prague, it was time to head to Sweden! The first stop was Gothenburg for a Michelin-starred modern Swedish meal, delicious seafood, a famous cinnamon roll, iconic eats, and to watch the New Jersey Devils and Edmonton Oilers for the NHL Global Series!

Off to GothenburgOff to Sweden: SK Mat & Människor

Restaurang GabrielOysters and Fried Plaice at Restaurant Gabriel

Smaka MeatballsSmaka Meatballs, Beerista, and Cafe Husaren

NHL Global SeriesNHL Global Series: Edmonton Oilers vs New Jersey Devils

After Gothenburg, I took the train to Stockholm! I stayed in a nice nautical-themed hotel in the charming Old Town of Gamla Stan.

Barrels Burgers & BeerOff to Stockholm: Burgers, Beer, and Jazz

Brod & SaltBröd & Salt, The Royal Palace, Djurgården, and Mogge Sushi

SlingerbultenLeaving Stockholm: The Burgundy and Slingerbulten

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